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Saturday, 5 November 2011

Getting more clicks on your Adsense ads

More CTR (Click Thru Ratio) means more clicks on your Google Ads. But, is CTR all about position and colors of your ads? No! It's a lot more than that. CTR also depends upon the quality of traffic, relevancy of ads, and even the subject of your website. 
Let's get in detail:
Do you own a High CTR website?
Yes! CTR varies from Industry to industry too. It depends upon the keywords you are using to make your web page. It has been observed that more technical the topic is (but not necessarily) less CTR it will give you (for example Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Network - exceptions are always there), but still works if the Ad content is well written.However, this is only one condition; there are many undiscovered conditions that affect the CTR of keywords. At times, a particular season also has an effect on the performance of keywords. For example family of 'Turkey recipe' keyword is more active around November and December only and a quite sluggish rest of the year. It becomes really necessary to study the behavior of keywords before starting a massive website of Adsense around a topic.
Your Ad Position and Color: Old, but very effective
Google heat map helps improve the CTR (Clicks Thru Ratio) of your website by suggesting you the most converting areas for your Adsense Ads. You can have a glance at the Google's Survey that illustrates the ideal placements of ads on your web page.

Darker the area, better will be the performance of your ads. Your visitor tends to click on these darker areas more often than the other areas of the web page. Ads placed near rich content usually do well because users are focused on those areas of your web page. For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the concluding part of high quality content tend to perform well, as the visitors are left with no other choice except clicking the Ad block.


How To Make Money With Google Adsense

Only And Only Need Traffic:
Traffic is the definite must for success with google adsense.It is safe to say that if you are
getting atleast 100 unique visitors you will see steady increase in income. And if you don’t learn to generate website traffic than you cannot earn money from google adsense.
Money from google adsense completely depends on traffic.Traffic can only be generated 
by promoting your  blog. For  promoting  it  you  must  have  a  great  content, learn how to optimize your every page in search engine and market your blog.Inshort more traffic more chance to get clicked on  ads thus more chance to earn higher money.
So you should produce interesting content which forced people to say “Hey this is cool site.I am going to tell my friends about it.”
Read this article to know more about promoting your site/blog.

In Conclusion:
Making money with google adsense takes time and harder work in beggining.If you want to make money with little effort than google adsense is not for you.Your consistent effort is required in making money from it.It is not for lazy people.And as I already say the only thing requires to make money from google adsense is “TRAFFIC”.


What Kind Of Website/Blog You Should Have

1.Make sure you have a specific clear topic.Google always looking to advertise with
those website that have well defined topic.More specific topic you have more targeted
ads you will thereby increasing your click through rate.
2.You should not have spelling mistakes in your post.
3.Google terms of service states that they do not accept the website that are under construction.To get google adsense your site should look complete

What Kind Of Ads You Get:
It is the best part about google ads.Google read your  page  title, content etc. and  interpret
what each page is about.So the ads that show up on your website are relevant to the topics
of the page.For better understanding you can even check this page.
Two kinds of ads Google adsense for content and for search both are available.

When You will be Paid:
Your account increase as the number of clicks increases.And when once your account 
reaches to $100 google sends you a check.And you can even direct deposit them directly
in your account.
Now you are all set to apply for google adsense.
Click here http://adsense.google.com to apply.
Make money with google adsense


How to make money with Google Adsense

First I want to say something about  google adsense. It is one  of  the  best  way to make
little money from your blog or website.And that  extra  cash  can  even turn into thousands
of dollars over time.It has been possible for lots of people.People are so  wowed  to earn
money from google adsense.But i would never say earning money from  adsense is easy.
If I say, I would be lying to you.
Before discussing how to make money from google adsense I want to discuss few things about google adsense:

What is Google Adsense:
Adsense is a hybrid of google adsense program called adwords.Webmasters pay google
for advertising their ads.Every time when ads get clicked google deducts a predetermined amount from their advertising budget.Now we are promoting this adsense on our own sites/blogs.Google pays us certain percentage of what webmaster pays to google.
Inshort you are advertising google ads and getting paid whenever ads get clicked.


Adsense Means To me

Adsense for me just mean for additional pocket money. The money that I earn from Adsense still can't means significantly for me. Adsense can't become liquid every month, just every about 3 months I can't make this money liquid. This money can accumulate until 500 dollar or if I can be patient will wait until 1000 dollar just then I open my pending payment.

Some reason that may causing this I never use many own domain, I just use free hosting or never use paid hosting. If you have experience on using paid domain and get more money please share here and comment on my this posting blog to make other blogger more sure to use paid hosting. I also buy domain but this domain locate on free hosting and the Adsense result still don't effective.

Posting everyday on your blog is the key, at least make your blog have many visitors, this is right but make more money from your blog not guaranteed. To make significant money from our blog need more experience and need some trick, because more long and learn about blog you will understand what kind the article or accumulate of many articles on your blog can make more money. As I know just this until this blog is written.


6 Tips on How to Make $500 Dollars a Day with Adsense

Google’s Adsense program provides the perfect way to generate an ongoing passive stream of income for the savvy internet entrepreneur.
It is free to join and easy to set up.

I hear you ask, if it’s so easy why isn’t everyone making piles of money by slapping Adsense code into the pages of their websites.

Well there are a number of factors that contribute to a webmaster’s success with Adsense not least of all having a contextual website.

If you base your quest to make $500 dollars a day with Adsense on the following, you stand a good chance of sustained success.

1. Don’t build a site for Adsense

Apart from being against adsense’s TOS, site’s created purely to carry adsense ads don’t work in the long term.

They will in all likelihood get banned by Google, won’t make money as well as making it difficult for you to open another Adsense account.

2. Build a Site with Content

Sounds obvious doesn’t it, but sites that are interesting and packed with compelling content are more likely to be revisited and related ads are more likely to be clicked upon.

Be sure to use your own original content - sites that duplicate content get penalized by Google.

Remember that rubbish sites generate rubbish income.

3. Choose Your Site’s Topic Carefully

Whilst your site should be based on your business interests or your hobby to keep your motivation levels high, just keep in mind that certain topics will attract higher value Adsense clicks than others.

For example a website on the mating habits of the north sea clam probably won’t attract any advertisers and therefore no Google Ads to display, let alone traffic.

Making money online and web hosting are topics that will never be short of advertisers, however the competition is higher and therefore more difficult to attract website traffic.

4. Niche Market

Your best bet is to target a niche market that does not have the competition in terms of fellow webmasters but still has a certain amount of interest.

Therefore if your website is cameras, targeting “digital cameras” would be a very competitive term, whilst targeting “underwater digital cameras for scuba divers” would be less competitive and will attract targeted traffic as well as related Adsense ads.

It is important that you understand that the text and keywords you use and the placement thereof will influence the type of ads that are served up by Google.

5. Type of Ads and Placement

The placement of your ads on your web page has a direct influence on your CTR (Click Thru Rate) - the higher the CTR the more clicks your ads are generating and the more money you are making.

To this end, take special note of the heat map provided by Google that shows the best positions for your ads on your web pages.

Also decide carefully on the type of ads and the colors that you choose – the type that blend in well with the look, feel and flow of your site will probably be best in silently persuading your visitors to click on them.

6. Traffic Statistics

Finally analyze your adsense traffic stats as they’re packed with useful information – Google provides such a tool for this purpose with your Adsense account.

To make money with adsense you need to know what your stats are telling you and what you need to know.

The amount of traffic your site generates will obviously influence your adsense income but that is a whole separate subject just on its own.

The point is that for 2 sites generating the same amount of traffic, the site that is optimized for adsense, as above, will earn for more in adsense income than the site that isn’t.


Earn Money from Real Estate Sector

This time all over world have economic crisis in all industries. Real estates sectors are also affected by the economic crisis. In the mid of global crisis there is not way to earn money by online only.

People need some money by investing their resources, power and time. Most of the online company is now fail. Outsourcing work is also down. We are getting many opinions by people who are seeking some ways to earn money either they are online or off-line.

In this way we decided to found some real way to earn money by off-line also. We have been introduced by MD of PropertySensex. It is one of the biggest companies of real estates in India.

The company has launched a model to earn money being an adviser in real estate sector to start own property business. It deals in commercial spaces, residential flats, farmhouses and in corporate. It has major clients which make it reliable. Its main clients are – Wall-Mart, Bharti Axa Life Insurace, Subhiksha, and Spencer Retial etc. who have gotten the best service in property dealing.

It is single vendor company in real estate sector across India for commercial and residential lease.

To earn money, the company offers a model across India to be an adviser. To join as an adviser, a person has to subscribe its software with maximum 100 references to join people below him. On each pair, the person will get Rs 1000 as a company adviser. Adviser will bring buyer to the company to buy a commercial spaces or residential flats. He will send an SMS to the company to make known about an interest of customer.

An adviser will earn by two methods – referring a friend to join as an adviser and referring a customer who is interested in buying offices or flats. On each deal of a flat or commercial space, an adviser will get 20% commission.


AdSense Earning Pays Dollar for UV not for RV

In the common word, earning money by AdSense is very easy but it is not really very easy. Recently, I got some new things about Google AdSense. Now, for Google AdSense account, there is no way to create by free blogs. For it you have to need original sites with proper hosting under your name. To run AdSense on the domain it is necessary that the domain should be older than 6 months.

Recently, I analyzed my Google AdSense account. There is not much amount which should be there. Many times I have got $0.5 even on 20 clicks. It was lowest money by the AdSense clicks.

I am getting now good visitors on my sites and there are proper optimized AdSense also but clicking money is low. My question was big for me. I tried to solve it. I went through my Google AdSense account and found some good data.

I analyzed that Google pays for those clicks which is clicked by UV. When there was UV by organic visits, my AdSense money was high but those days when there were RV visitors, my AdSense amount was low even on high clicks.

After this analysis I understand that if my sites ranking by high searches keywords have good positions in organic searches then my AdSense earning can be high also.

To get more money by AdSense account you need to optimize your site by targeted keywords. Your sites stuff should be proper, unique and more recent. It is also a good way to earn dollar if you do it in right way.


Earning Money through Online Marketing

There is a broader aspect of online marketing. It is a process of marketing through online. However, off-line marketing is another chapter of marketing. So, we can say it is a part of marketing. There is no doubt that in the recent days, there is a big development in online marketing. However, there are many aspect of online market – SEO, PPC and SMO. So, there is need of deep analysis of SEO, PPC and SMO.

In my previous post, “Make Money online by Google Adwords”, I had made clear many things. I had told also about ways of earning money through Adwords. So, it was also the biggest part of online market which covers – PPC marketing. I had written one more post, “AdSense Earning Pays Dollar for UV not for RV”; it was also in the terms of online marketing. The chapter also covers the PPC marketing via AdSense.

There are another two more chapters – SEO and SMO which covers the biggest aspect of online marketing. In the coming times, SMO will be the biggest achievement of online marketing. However, there are trends of SMO in the current times. We always hear some news like twitter, facebook, digg and myspace. What are these? These are social platform. In the recent updates, Apple had earned a large amount of money through twitter social sites.

Last one is SEO. It is Search Engine Optimization which is known as part of online marketing. The process is the most famous of online marketing.

So, now the question is how to earn money through online? Yes, it is perfect question. Recently, labnol.org had dealt the most important topic – “Should You Build Organic Traffic or go with Pay Per Click Ads?” Do you mean, what is it? It is the marketing process of online through organic Vs Paid. In another words it is marketing - SEO Vs PPC.

In the recent development, Google changed and improved PPC marketing. It added more place to ad marketing. It improved in Adsense and Adwords also. So, what do you mean about it? We should proceed through Ad marketing rather than SEO. Sure, if you have some product to sell with the most searches terms, what should you do? You should surely go through Adwords. On the other hands, Wikipedia also developed Adsense on its pages.


Overall, in the recent days, Search marketing which is the part of online marketing covers Ad marketing rather than Search Engine Optimization. So, if you want to earn more in less time, less labour and less popularity then go through Adwords marketing.


Earn More Money through Google AdSense

I already have shared my opinions about earning money through online marketing, making money by Google Adwords, AdSense Earning Pays Dollar for UV not for RV and AdSense earning.Now again I want to proceed with some new elements of earning more money through Google AdSense. Recently, Google AdSense had announced that you can earn more money with AdSense tips by email. What was that?It was basically customization of news letter which is sent by Google AdSense optimization team. If you set a preference of receiving an email, you can get a news letter from Google AdSense team roughly one per month.After some month again, Google.

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