Step by step for how to search engine optimization seo for blogger blogs and blog title for saerch engines
Search engine optimization SEO
Swapping blog /blogger of titile can help to boost the blog traffic and boost the position of search results your blog will be stand at good ranking if maintain the tips of search engine optimization,seo .
Your blog is a powerful tool for publishing blog content on regular basis can write articles on what do you want tell blog visitors.
Generating clicks and leads
Developing relations
Demonstrating your expertise
Despite the inherent "SEO value" of blogging, many blogs just aren't properly optimized for search, or aren't optimized to their fullest potential. As such, these blogs aren't working as hard as they could be for an organization from an SEO standpoint.
When it comes to SEO, pagination implemented correctly maximizes "crawl depth" and makes your content easier for engines to access by reducing the number of clicks needed to reach deeper, archived pages. In addition, proper pagination is a scalable way to flow more (or a larger percentage) of PageRank to your archived content.