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Showing posts with label blog traffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog traffic. Show all posts

Friday, 29 August 2014

Step by step for how to search engine optimization seo for blogger blogs and blog title for saerch engines

Search engine optimization SEO

   Swapping blog /blogger of titile can help to boost the blog traffic and boost the position of search results your blog will be stand at good ranking if maintain the tips of search engine optimization,seo .

    Your blog is a powerful tool for publishing blog content on regular basis can write articles on what do you want tell blog visitors.

      Generating clicks and leads

      Developing relations 


      Demonstrating your expertise

    Despite the inherent "SEO value" of blogging, many blogs just aren't properly optimized for search, or aren't optimized to their fullest potential. As such, these blogs aren't working as hard as they could be for an organization from an SEO standpoint.

    When it comes to SEO, pagination implemented correctly maximizes "crawl depth" and makes your content easier for engines to access by reducing the number of clicks needed to reach deeper, archived pages. In addition, proper pagination is a scalable way to flow more (or a larger percentage) of PageRank to your archived content.


Thursday, 28 August 2014

Step by Step for How to get more traffic to your blogspot blogs for new bloggers

 Way to improve more traffic for your blogspot blogs :

     Link building is hard, but it's not the only way to make traffic gains in Google's search results.
When I first started SEO, building links wasn't my strong suit. Writing outreach emails terrified me, and I had little experience creating killer content. Instead, I focused on the easy wins.
     While off-page factors like links typically weigh more heavily than on-page efforts in Google's search results, SEOs today have a number of levers to pull in order to gain increased search traffic without ever building a link.
      For experienced SEOs, many of these are established practices, but even the most optimized sites can improve in at least one or more of these areas.
Best articles for visitors:
    According to the MozCast Feature Graph, 6% of Google search results contain In-depth articles. While this doesn't seem like a huge numbers, the articles that qualify can see a significant increase in traffic. Anecdotally, we've heard reports of traffic increasing up to 10% after inclusion.
Best articles

Improving blog speed:
   Improving site speed not only improves visitor satisfaction (see point #1) but it may also have a direct influence on your search rankings. In fact, site speed is one of the few ranking factors Google has confirmed.
   One of the interesting things we learned this year, with help from the folks at Zoompf, is that actual page load speed may be far less important than Time to First Byte (TTFB). TTFB is the amount of time it takes a server to first respond to a request.
   As important as page speed is for desktop search Google considers it even more important for mobile devices. Think about the last time you waited for a page to load on your cell phone with a weak signal.

SEO Tools:

     Aside from speed, if your website isn't configured properly for smartphones, it probably results in lower Google search results for mobile queries. Google confirms that smartphone errors may result in lower mobile rankings.
 What is a smartphone error? It could include:
  • Redirecting visitors to the wrong mobile URL
  • Embedding a video that doesn't play on a particular phone (Flash video on an iPhone, for example)
  • Pop-ups that aren't easily closed on mobile
  • Buttons or fonts that are too small on a mobile device
     Google recommends making your site responsive, but many of the top brands in the world, including Apple.com, don't have responsive sites. Regardless, a good mobile experience is imperative.

   Social annotations with Google+:

     When you share content on Facebook and Twitter, your network basically sees it only when they are looking at Facebook and Twitter.
    On the other hand, when you share content on Google+, your network can see it every time they search Google.
   Google's own research shows that users fixate on social annotations, even when presented with videos and other types of rich snippets.
The easiest way to take advantage of this is to expand your Google+ network and share good content regularly and often. Rand Fishkin elegantly explains how to use Google+ to appear in the top of Google results every time.
Additionally, content shared through Google+ often ranks in regular search results, visible to everyone on the web, regardless of their social connections.

   Snippet optimization:

    This goes back to basic meta tag and title tag optimization, but it's a good practice to keep in mind.
In the past two years, Google changed the maximum length of title tags so that it's no longer dependent on the number of characters, but on the number of pixels used, generally around 500 pixels in length. This keeps changing as Google tests new layouts.


Sunday, 20 October 2013

ways to boost your blog traffic and tips to boost blog traffic

  1. Multiple platforms and networks to re-publish and share their content on. You can now discover a blogger and their content because it is published to Facebook or their video is on YouTube
  2. Crowd sourced marketing as people share bloggers articles with a couple of clicks on Facebook and Twitter. No longer is the post hidden in the email silo where sharing is restricted to passing an email on.
So if you have just launched a blog or you’re struggling to grow your traffic, what are some of the tactics that the top bloggers use to get attention, bring readers back and become part of your loyal tribe of readers?

Tips to boost your blog traffic

Some of these tactics are more effective and direct than others but collectively implemented can create long lasting and organic growth path for your blog.
  1. Build a large following on Twitter
  2. Automate the sharing of content on Twitter. (you cannot scale if you don’t do this)
  3. Link to your blog on Twitter in your profile
  4. Increase your likes on Facebook
  5. Link to your blog on Facebook
  6. Share your post (including links to it) on Facebook
  7. Build an email subscriber list from day one
  8. Host a webinar (you can capture many emails when you run a webinar)
  9. Create and publish great content
  10. Make it easy for people to share your content with a Twitter retweet button
  11. Ensure you have a LinkedIn sharing button (there are over 230 million users there)
  12. Include a Google+ sharing button even if you don’t use it very much (over half a billion people there!)
  13. Facebook sharing button is a must
  14. Make it easy for people to share your content with a Pinterest sharing button
  15. Provide an incentive for people to subscribe to your blog by offering a free ebook in exchange for their email address and name
  16. Place the email subscriber box in a prominent position (top right or even in the top banner)
  17. Include multiple locations for people to subscribe
  18. Include an RSS feed option
  19. Link to your blog from your YouTube videos and channel 
  20. Make your blog easy to read (this will keep them loyal and bring them back)
  21. Write the best headlines you possibly can
  22. Guest blog on larger blogs in your industry
  23. Comment on other bloggers articles
  24. Reply to comments on your blog posts
  25. Interview the influential bloggers in your niche and category
  26. Obtain testimonials from influencers in your industry who have a strong social media presence
  27.  Ensure your blog can be easily read on mobile devices
  28. Optimise for search engines by using an SEO plugin such as WordPress SEO (Also known as Yoast)
  29. Write sub-titles with keywords in posts to help your SEO
  30. Improve your blogs search engine friendly content by including key words in images
  31. Publish new articles regularly (at least once a week)
  32. Write long form content that will be a resource for readers (they will link and bookmark it for future reference)
  33. Place a Facebook ad that drives traffic to your blog (could be an offer of free premium content)
  34. Advertise on Twitter with “Promoted Accounts”
  35. Provide links to archives on your blog
  36. List your most popular posts (this is a default WordPress feature)
  37. Use an SEO friendly online publishing platform like…”WordPress”
  38. Use a simple design that profiles your content and highlights your focus
  39. Include “prominent” social media sharing buttons placed at the top of your articles (floating buttons are good too)
  40. Have your top social media channels displayed in a prominent position so people can easily follow you
  41. Share other top bloggers content on Twitter and let them know you have shared with an @topblogger mention
  42. Copy and emulate the strategies of top bloggers
  43. Write a great introduction that is compelling and draws readers in
  44. Engage with your readers so that they want to come back and become loyal fans
  45. Write a blog post that highlights the best bloggers in your industry
  46. As you build credibility display your awards, wins and social proof in a prominent position
  47. Link to your blog in your email signature
  48. Join Facebook groups and participate
  49. Create a Google+ hangout for a hot topic in your industry and promote it
  50. Participate in LinkedIn groups
  51. Create some controversy that attracts attention
  52. Submit your top posts to Reddit
  53. Publish articles on Stumbleupon
  54. Make yourself available to speak
  55. Have a business card for your blog.

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