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Sunday, 2 December 2012

www.manuu.ac.in - B.Ed Time Table 2012 Maulana Azad National Urdu University

 www.manuu.ac.in - B.Ed Time Table 2012 : 1.Maulana Azad National Urdu University B.Ed (D.M) 1st & 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2012 December  has announced on 2nd December 2012 by Official website to updated to the time table - http://www.manuu.ac.in/. candidates to download 1st, 2nd year B.Ed Time Table 2012 Maulana Azad National Urdu University may visit following official below link.

2.MANUU Notice Board, Results, News and Events, Employment - http://www.manuu.ac.in/

3.Maulana Azad National Urdu University B.Ed (D.M) 1st & 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2012 December - http://www.manuu.ac.in/notifications/BEdTimeTable12.jpg

4.Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about MANUU via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.


Homemade Solar Cells -How To Make a Solar Cell

Homemade Solar Cells - In the very first step, you'll need to prepare some essential items to make a solar cell. These items include the following:
• Copper Sheeting
• Clear Plexiglass/Perpex/
Acrylic Sheeting
• Some Thin Wood Strip
• copper Wire
• Duct Tape
• Metal Guillotine
• Bandsaw
• Electric Ring Hob
To get started, cut a square of the copper sheeting so that it is about 6-8 in. square in size. It is much easier to do with a metal guillotine, however, if you haven't got access to this sort of equipment, tin snips will work just fine.
To get started, cut a square of the copper sheeting so that it is about 6-8 in. square in size. It is much easier to do with a metal guillotine, however, if you haven't got access to this sort of equipment, tin snips will work just fine.
After you've done this, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them. You need to remove any grease or oil from your hands that could cause problems with the next step of the process. Remove any grease or detritus from the copper sheeting. Next, take a piece of emery cloth and thoroughly sand down the piece of copper on both sides to remove the top layer of oxidized copper. This will leave you with nice bright shiny red copper underneath.
You now need to heat treat the copper, in order to form an oxide coating on top. It may sound counter intuitive that we have just removed all the oxide and now we are going to put oxide back on, but the oxide coating we will be applying will be a film of "cuprous oxide".
You need to turn the burner to the highest setting, with the sheet of copper just placed on top. Observe the changes to the copper carefully, they are very interesting. As you heat the copper, it takes on a lovely vivid patina of different colours.
If you have access to nitric acid, you can use this as a superior method for removing the upper cupric oxide layer.
You will see a black crusty oxide from on top of the copper plate. If you leave the plate to cool slowly, the crusty layer should become fairly fragile and separate easily from the underlying copper. When you have allowed the plate to cool thoroughly, give the plate a firm bang edge-on to a hard surface. Some of the oxide will pop off. Rub the oxide gently with your fingers under a tap, and you will find most of the black layer od oxide comes off easily. If any bits are stubborn, do not under any circumstances scour them, as we do not want to damage the fragile surface.
Under this black layer of oxide, you will find another layer of a reddish orange rust colour. This is the layer which is "photosensitive"
and will make out thin-film solar cell work.
Make a spacer now from some thin strips of wood. Use duct tape to join your pieces of wood together. Do not use metal fixings as they could react electrolytically with the other components of the cell.
We are now going to make another electrode. It has to have the property that it does not touch the other piece of the solar cell, and allows light to hit the surface. We are going to use salt water as our other electrode, making contact with the whole surface of the thin film cell, yet conducting electricity. We are then going to immerse another copper wire to make the connection. You could equally use another piece of copper plate around the outside of the thin-film cell, but not touching our oxidized copper.
In a commercial thin-film cell, tin oxide is commonly used as the other electrode, as it is clear and yet conducts electricity.
Now take a piece of Perspex to act as a cover plate, and stick a strip of duct tape on either side.
We are going to stick our other electrode wire to this piece of Perspex.
Use thickish wire for clarity, with few actual zigzags so that you can clearly see what is going on. To optimize the performance of your solar cell, you want to make the conductor large. To this end , you are better using lots of thinner gauge wire in a much finer zigzag pattern - this will still allow the light to get through, but at the same time gives a large conductor area.
You can experiment with different types of wire and copper - the trick is to try and maximize the surface area of the copper, while trying to block as little light as possible from reaching the solar cell.
Fold the duct tape over and stick the wire to the plate.
We are now going to combine the electrode plate with the space. Again, duct tape makes this a nice easy job.


JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 Results 2012 Regular/Supple Exams

JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 Results 2012 Regular/Supple Exams : 1.JNTU Kakinada B.tech 1-1, 1-2 Results 2012 Regular,Supplementary Exam will be Declared by JNTU K Official Website to updated the Results @http://jntuk.edu.in

2.Candidates can be check the JNTU Kakinada B.tech 1-1,1-2 Results 2012 visit the given below links.

3.JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 1-1 Results 2012 - http://www.manabadi.co.in/results/JNTUK-Rev-Recounting-Results-For-BTech-1-1-Reg-Supple-Exams-June-2012.asp

4.JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 2-1 Results 2012 - http://www.manabadi.co.in/results/JNTUK-BTech-1-2-Reg-Supple-Exams-June-2012-Rev-Recounting-Results.asp

5.Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about JNTUK via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.


Kerala University S4 S3 B Tech Results 2012 - www.keralauniversity.ac.in

Kerala University S4 S3 B Tech Results 2012 - www.keralauniversity.ac.in : 1.Kerala University results 2012 S4 S3 B.teh 2008 scheme Degree exam has Declared by Kerala University Official Website to updated the Results @ www.keralauniversity.ac.in. Candidates to check the Kerala University S4 B Tech Results 2012 Degree visit the given below mentioned link.

2.Kerala University Results 2012 - http://www.keralauniversity.ac.in/results.html

3.Kerala University S4 B Tech Results 2012 Degree Exam 2008 scheem April/may  - http://www.keralauniversity.ac.in/images/ResultsNew/s4_btech_may_2012.pdf

4.Kerala University S3 B Tech Results 2012 Degree Exam 2008 scheem April/may - www.keralauniversity.ac.in/images/ResultsNew/s3_btech_may_2012.pdf

4.Candidates if you want to received all latest updates About kerala University information via Facebook page, then join us Facebook page now. Save this link for future information.


www.easterncoal.gov.in - ECL Recruitment 2012-2013 Apply Online

www.easterncoal.gov.in - ECL Recruitment 2012-2013 Apply Online : 1.Eastern Coalfields Ltd called ECL. ECL recently has issued a recruitment notification 2012-13 for filling up 874 vacancies as various recruitment. Eligible candidates can apply via online before 25th December 2012. More details can see below About ECL Recruitment 2012-2013 Notification. ECL various post like Jr. Overman, Tech & Suvr Gr C posts 38 vacancies, M/Sirdar, Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 505 vacancies, Dy.Surveyor Tech. & Suvr.Gr. B posts 19 vacancies, Compounder/ Pharmacist, Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 83 vacancies, X-Ray Tech./ Radiographer Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 6 vacancies, Lab Tech. (Med.)/ Technician/ Pathological, Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 10 vacancies, Staff Nurse, Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 20 vacancies, Overseer (Civil), Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 31 vacancies, Stenographer, (English shorthand) Tech. & Suvr.Gr. C posts 56 vacancies, Security Sub -Inspector Tech. & Suvr. Gr. C posts 106 vacancies.

2.Candidates ECL Recruitment 2012-2013 Post Name, Age Details, Age relaxations, Educational Qualification, Selection process, How To Apply online for ECL Recruitment 2012-2013, Application Form Fee, Important dates like exam dates, online application date visit the given below link.

3.ECL Recruitment 2012-2013 Notification - http://www.easterncoal.gov.in/notices/ecldiscipline.pdf

4.ECL Recruitment 2012-2013 Apply online Application form -

5.Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about ECL via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.


vit.ac.in - VITEEE 2013 Application Form, Dates,notifications,syllabus

1.VELLORE Institute of Technology VITEEE 2013 Online Application form will be published soon Around First Week of December Month 2012 of VITEEE 2013 . Eligible Candidates Can Obtain VITEEE 2013 Application Form Through Online mode from VITEEE Official website. More Details Can see below About Eligibility Criteria, Application Form Fee, Important Dates, Qualification etc

2.Candidates Can be check the VITEEE 2013, What Is Eligibility Criteria For VITEEE 2013, Educational Qualification, How To Apply For VITEEE Exam, Application Form Fee, VITEEE 2013 Application form, Important dates visit the following given below link. when ever official website update we will update all about the above. Exam Dates are 15th April 2013 and 30th April 2013.

3.VITEEE 2013 Dates, Notification, Syllabus - http://www.vit.ac.in/admissions.asp

4.VITEEE 2013 Application Form - http://www.vit.ac.in (or) vit.ac.in/admissions/viteee2013.htm

5.Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about VITEEE 2013 via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference
Hall Ticket, Admit Card Download | Online Application Form | Admission Notification, Results


AP DSC 2012 All District wise Merit list Subject wise download

ap dsc merit list download here http://apdsc.cgg.gov.in


Steps For Connecting Laptop To TV Is simple

It is simple connection by using connecting cables like vga cable,hdmi,dvi and also s-video cables,first you have to find what ports are having your computer means hdmi or dvi.If your laptop having dvi port then you can use dvi to s-video cable you can purchase cables at computer hardware shops


Android PC Suite - Latest versions

android pc suite not required for connecting internet via phone,you need only pdanet for android phone and pc synchronising.It is easy plug and play pdanet should be instal both of the pc and as well as phone.
   You can download pdanet on google play its absolutely free of cost......


how to connect your laptop or pc to you tv

If you're like me, you have a lot of movies and music on your computer. You might sit in front of your laptop enjoying your media collection while you browse the Web and chat with friends. It works well, but when you have a huge 40+-inch HDTV and home-theater setup a few feet away, consuming your media on a 15-inch laptop screen with tinny integrated speakers seems silly. Wouldn't it be great if you could pipe what's on your laptop screen to your HDTV, and treat it just like another monitor? And wouldn't accessing your collection of movies and music through your HDTV be awesome? Well, you can do both of those things, relatively easily, in a variety of ways.
There are plenty of options for displaying your laptop on your HDTV. Many of them are excellent ways to watch your movies and listen to your music. Only some of them are appropriate for Web browsing, video conferencing, or other computer-reliant activities, however, and due to slight lag with current wireless display technologies, only a wired connection is suitable for playing most action-oriented PC-based games. Here are your options for connecting your laptop to your HDTV. First consider what you want to do, then choose the way that's right for you.
Best for Gaming: Run a Cable
Many recent notebooks offer built-in HDMI outputs, and those that don't, typically have DVI ports (which can connect to HDMI ports through an adapter) or VGA ports (which can connect to PC ports found on most HDTVs). If you don't mind being physically tethered to your screen by a length of cable, you can just plug it in and treat your TV like a second monitor. Since the HDMI/DVI/VGA connection can be video-only (a decreasingly common trend, but a possible one, especially if you use a DVI-to-HDMI adapter), you might need to use an audio patch cable to connect the notebook's audio to either the HDTV or a nearby set of speakers. Still, a direct, wired connection is the best method if you value speed over all else. With a cable, you're guaranteed zero latency between the notebook and the HDTV, making twitch gaming (first-person shooters and other action-heavy games) possible.

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